Sidho Kanho Birsha University (SKBU), Purulia, has published BA (Bachelor of Arts), B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) and B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) Part-II Honours and General Examination Results 2013. Sidho Kanho Birsha University BA / BSc / BCom Part 2 Hons and General Exam Results announced on 27 September, 2013. The examination held in the year of 2013. To get more details about the result, visit the University's official website :
Sidho Kanho Birsha University is a state university established in 2010 and situated over two campuses in Purulia and Bankura, West Bengal, India. Tapati Mukherjee has been appointed as the first Vice-Chancellor of the University. The focus of the University would be to promote and protect indigenous culture and language; and specially Santhali language. The University approved by UGC and Fully funded by Govt. of West Bengal.
Result Declaration Date :
September 27, 2013
Exam Category :
BA (Bachelor of Arts), B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) and B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) Part-II Honours and General Examination 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
Contact Details :
Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University
Purulia Zilla Parisad
Old Administrative Building, Jubilee Compound
Post Office & District : Purulia
West Bengal - 723 101
Phone: 03252 224 438
Sidho Kanho Birsha University BA B.Sc B.Com (Part 2) Hons / General Exam Result 2013 :
Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB), Patna, has published Fine Arts Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test (BSITET) Exam Results 2011. Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) Fine Arts Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test (BSITET) Examination Results 2011 anounced on on 26th September, 2013. Results are made available on the Board’s official result website :
All candidates, who appeared for BSEB Fine Arts Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test (BSITET) Examination 2011, can check their respective results by visiting the aforementioned website.
The exams were conducted between March and April 2012. Every year, BSEB conducts Annual Secondary School Examination during February/March and Supplementary School Examination during August/September on the basis of course/syllabus as prescribed by the state Government.
For Bihar Board Fine Arts Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test (BSITET)Results 2011 :
Calicut University, Kerala, has published MA (Master of Arts) English IV Semester Examination Results 2013. Calicut University MA English 4th Semester Exam Result announced on 26th September. The examination was held in the month of July 2013. To get more information about the results, students can visit the University’s official website :
The University of Calicut, the second university to be set up in Kerala, came into being in 1968 with the objective of developing human resources in the northern districts of Kerala by extending the reach of higher education and by promoting research in all areas of development with particular emphasis on technology and art and culture of Kerala. The courses offered by the University are M Phil, PhD, Master Degree Courses, PG Diploma and Diploma, Bachelor Degree Courses, Certificate Courses and also Cost Based Courses. Currently, it houses 31 post graduate departments and 304 affiliated colleges.
Result Declaration Date :
September 26, 2013
Exam Category :
MA (Master of Arts) English IV Semester Examination July 2013
Where to go for Result :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
University of Calicut
Thenjipalam, Kerala
Malappuram - 673 635
For Calicut University M.A English IV Semester Examination (CCSS) 2013 Result :
West Bengal School Service Commission (WBSSC) has published Provisional Provisional Final Result fo Candidates under 12th RLST(AT) 2011. WBSSC Provisional Final Result announced on 25th September, 2013. West Bengal SSC Provisional Final Result available on the WBSSC's official website :
Panel of candidates of 12th Regional Level Selection Test. 2011 for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Teachers prepared under the West Bengal School Service Commission Act, 1997 and West Bengal School Service Commission ( Selection of Persons for Appointment to the post of Teachers) Rules, 2007 as amended by Notification No. 1585-SE(S)/ES/S/1S-26/2010 (Part) - 21st December, 2011 published in the Kolkata Gazette on 23.12.2011 read with the judgement and order dated 08.04.2013 passed by His Lordship the Hon’ble Justice Debashish Kar Gupta in CAN 3031 of 2013 in W.P. No. 1019 (W) of 2013 and complying with and giving effect to the judgement and order dated 13.08.2010 passed by His Lordship Hon’ble Justice Dipankar Dutta in W. P. No. 13489 (W) of 2010 (subsequently affirmed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India)
West Bengal School Service Commission (WBSSC) Provisional List of Candidates qualified for Personality Test information available online. Candidates can enter his/her 12-digit Roll No. and press Submit button bellow link and get WBSSC Provisional List of Candidates qualified for Personality Test.
For WBSSC Combined Merit List 2013 :
Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan (BSER), Ajmer, has been published Secondary (Class 10) Supplementary Examination Result 2013. Rajasthan Board Secondary (Class 10) Supplementary Exam Result announced on 24th September 2013. Rajasthan Board Secondary (Class 10) Supplementary Exam Result 2013 available on the Board of Secondary Education of Rajasthan (BSER) official website :
The Board of Secondary Education of Rajasthan (BSER) Secondary (Class 10) Supplementary Examination Results 2013 available on the following websites :
For Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan Secondary Supp. Examination 2013 Results :
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University (CSVTU), Bhilai has published Diploma 1st and 2nd Semester Backlog And Diploma 2nd Semester Reg Examination Results 2013. Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University Diploma I / II Semester Exam Results 2013 announced on 23rd September, 2013. The examination held in the year of 2013. To get more information about the result, visit the University’s official website :
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) is a public university in the city of Bhilai, the "steel city" of India, in the state of Chhattisgarh in India. CSVTU incorporates the purpose of ensuring systematic, efficient and qualitative education in engineering and technological subjects including Architecture and Pharmacy at research, postgraduate, degree and diploma levels. Soon this university is going to displaced in Nevai Maroda region.
Result Declaration Date :
September 23, 2013
Exam Category :
Diploma 1st / 2nd / 3rd Semester Reg/Backlog Examination 2013.
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University
Swami Vivekanand Technical University
North Park Avenue, Sector-8
Bhilai - 491 001
For Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Diploma I Sem (Back) Exam Result 2013 :
For Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Diploma II Sem (Back) Exam Result 2013 :
For Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Diploma II Sem (Reg.) Exam Result 2013 :
Dibrugarh University, Assam, has published BBA (Bachelors in Business Adminstration) Final and VI Semester Examination Results 2013. Dibrugarh University BBA 6th and Final Semester Examination Result announced on 23rd September, 2013. The examination held in the month of June 2013. To get more information about the result, visit the University's official website :
Dibrugarh University is a university in the Indian state of Assam. It was set up in 1965 under the provisions of the Dibrugarh University Act, 1965, enacted by the Assam Legislative Assembly. It is a teaching-cum-affiliating university with limited residential facilities. It has 140 affiliated colleges. The campus extends over an area of more than 500 acres (2.0 km2) of which 60 acres (240,000 m2) are still tea plantations. It is accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, with a B grade. Dibrugarh University is a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).
Result Declaration Date :
September 23, 2013
Exam Category :
BBA (Bachelors in Business Adminstration) 6th and Final Semester Exam June 2013.
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Dibrugarh University
Dibrugarh - 786 004
Assam, India
For Dibrugarh University Result of BBA VI and Final Sem Exam June 2013 :
Berhampur University, Orissa has published BBA and BCA 2nd Year Examination Results 2013. Berhampur University BBA and BCA 2nd Year Examination Results announced on 21st September, 2013. The examination held in the year of 2013. To get more information about the results, visit University's official website :
Berhampur University is a university near Berhampur, Orissa, India. It is one of the oldest and major universities of Orissa, the others being Utkal at Bhubaneswar and Sambalpur University. The university has recently started self-financing courses in professional programmes such as Pharmacy (degree-M. Pharma), M. Tech. in Electronic and Computer Sciences and Master of Finance and Control and M. Sc. in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics.
Result Declaration Date :
September 21, 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Berhampur University
Bhanja Bihar, Orissa, India
Berhampur - 760007
For Berhampur University BBA II Year Exam Result 2013 :
For Berhampur University BCA II Year Exam Result 2013 :
Punjabi University, Patiala has published B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) II Semester Examination Results 2013. Punjabi University Patiala BSc 2nd Semester Examination Result announced on 23rd September, 2013. The examination held in the year of 2013. To know more information about the result, visit the University's official website :
Punjabi University was established in April 30,1962 under the Punjabi University Act 1961 in the state of Patiala as Residential and Teaching University. Spread over 600 acres of land, its 500 teachers are imparting instruction and guidance to nearly 9,000 students in a multi-faceted, multi-pronged and multi-faculty environment comprising 65 Teaching and Research Departments on its Campus, five Regional Centres, six Neighbourhood Campuses and 166 Colleges affiliated to it. The status is awarded by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), which is an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission, for a period of five years. The rare status is given by the NAAC on the basis of overall performance of a University during a space of five years.
Result Declaration Date :
September 23, 2013
Where to go for Result :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Punjabi University
Patiala, Punjab, India
For Punjab University BSc (Semester 2) Exam Results :
Delhi University (DU), New Delhi has published BA (Bachelor of Arts) and B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) Examination Result 2013. Delhi University BA and B.Sc Exam Results announced 21st September, 2013. The examination held in the month of May/June, 2013. To get more information about the result, visit the University's official website :
The University of Delhi (DU) is a central university situated in Delhi, India and is funded by Government of India. Established in 1922, it offers courses at the undergraduate and post-graduate level. The University of Delhi is the premier university of the country and is known for its high standards in teaching and research and attracts eminent scholars to its faculty. It was established in 1922 as a unitary, teaching and residential university by an Act of the then Central Legislative Assembly. The University is recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) and imparts education in distinctive educational streams through a wide range of colleges spread across the capital.
Result Declaration Date :
September 21, 2013
Exam Category :
BA (Bachelor of Arts) and B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) Examination Examination May/June 2013.
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
University of Delhi
Delhi-110 007
For Delhi University BA and B.Sc Exam 2013 Result :
Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan (BSER), Ajmer, has been published Senior Secondary (Class 12) Supplementary Examination Result 2013. Rajasthan Board Senior Secondary Supp. Exam Result announced on 20th September 2013. Rajasthan Board Sr Secondary Supplementary Exam Result 2013 available on the Board of Secondary Education of Rajasthan (BSER) official website :
The Board of Secondary Education of Rajasthan (BSER) Senior Secondary Supplementary (12th Class) Examination Results 2013 available on the following websites :
For Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan Senior Secondary Supp. Examination 2013 Results :
Bangalore University, Karnataka has published BA (Bachelor of Arts) 2nd Year Correspondance Supplementary Examination Results 2013. Bangalore University BA 2nd Year Correspondance Supplementary Exam Results announced on 19th September, 2013. The Examination held in the year of July 2013. To get more information about the results, Students can visit the University’s official website :
Bangalore University is a public university located in Bangalore, Karnataka State, India. The university is one of the oldest in India, dating back to 1886. The university is a part of The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and nears the status of "Potential for Excellence" which is reserved for the top 10 universities in India under the Guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Result Declaration Date :
September 19, 2013
Exam Category :
BA (Bachelor of Arts) 2nd Year Correspondance Supplementary Examination 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Bangalore University
Jnana Bharathi Campus
Jnana Bharathi Post
Karnataka, Bangalore - 560 056
For Bangalore University BA 2nd Year Correspondance Supplementary Exam 2013 Results :
Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh has published B.Tech. (Bachelor of Technoloty) 2nd Year 2nd Semester Exam Results 2013. Kakatiya University B.Tech 2nd Year 2nd Semester Examination Results announced on 19th September, 2013. The examination held in the month of May 2013. To get more information about the result, visit the University's official website :
Kakatiya University is a public university located in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is one of the largest recipients of central government educational funds, evidenced by the recent external campus facelift and vast expansion and acquisition of the latest IT equipment and related peripherals. The university has a network of eleven constituent colleges with 24 departments. During 2004-2005, the total enrollment of students for under-graduate programmes was around 90,000, while it was 6,500 for the post-graduate courses.
Result Declaration Date :
September 19, 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Kakatiya University
Warangal, Andhra Pradesh
INDIA 506009
Phone: +91-870-2438822
For Kakatiya University B.Tech (Year 2) Sem 2 Exam Result May 2013 :
Krishna University, Machilipatnam, Andhrapradesh has published U.G (Under Graduate) Advance Supplementary 1st and 2nd Year Examination Results 2013. Krishna University UG Advance Supplementary 1st and 2nd Year Examination Results announced on 18th September, 2013. To know more about the results, student can visit the University’s official website :
Krishna University was established in Machilipatnam Krishna district Andhra Pradesh in 2008. Krishna University is presently located at Andhra Jateeya kalasala, a famous first grade college in Machilipatnam. The University offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Result Declaration Date :
September 18, 2013
Exam Category :
U.G (Under Graduate) Advance Supplementary 1st and 2nd Year Exam 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Krishna University
Andhra Pradesh
For Krishna University UG I / II Year Advance Supplementary 2013 Results :
Gauhati University, Assam has been published B.A. (Bachelor of Arts), B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) and B.Com. (Bachelor of Commerce) AND IDOL (Bachelor of Arts) BA and IDOL BCom (Bachelor of Commerce) Semester-II Examination Results 2013. Gauhati University BA, BCom, BSc 2nd Semester Exam Results announced on 18th September, 2013. The examination held in the year of 2013. Guwahati University Results are made available on the University’s official website:
Students who appeared for BA / BSc / B Com 2nd Semester Examination 2013 can check their results by logging in the aforementioned website.
Gauhati University is the first university of North-East India, located in Guwahati, Assam, India. The University is situated to the west of Guwahati City and has 239 affiliated colleges. The university has been awarded ‘Four Star’ status by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore.
Result Declaration Date :
September 18, 2013
Exam Category :
B.Sc (Bachelor of Science), Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) and Bachelor of Arts (B.A) 2nd Semester Examination 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Gauhati University
Gopinath Bardoloi Nagar,
Guwahati - 781 014
For Gauhati University BA / BSc / BCom and IDOL-Arts and IDOL-Commerce Semester II Exam Results 2013 :
Bangalore University, Karnataka has published BA (Bachelor of Arts) and B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) 4th Semester Examination Results 2013. Bangalore University BA / BCom 4th Semester Exam Results announced on 16th September, 2013. The Examination held on the month of July 2013. To get more information about the results, Students can visit the University’s official website :
Bangalore University is a public university located in Bangalore, Karnataka State, India. The university is one of the oldest in India, dating back to 1886. The university is a part of The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and nears the status of "Potential for Excellence" which is reserved for the top 10 universities in India under the Guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Result Declaration Date :
September 16, 2013
Exam Category :
BA (Bachelor of Arts) and B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) 4th Semester Examination July 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Bangalore University
Jnana Bharathi Campus
Jnana Bharathi Post
Karnataka, Bangalore - 560 056
For Bangalore University BCOM IV SEM/ BA IV Semester/BCA II Semester July 2013 Results :
Periyar University, Tamilnadu has published UG Revaluation Examination Results 2013. Periyar University UG Revaluation Exam Results announced on 16th September, 2013. The examination held in the month of April/May 2013. To get more details about the result, visit University's official website : Student get Periyar University Results just enter Register Number and view April/May 2013 - UG Revaluation Results.
Universities have been established as major institutions for providing higher education and research opportunities to the youth for shaping their future, and recognized as the most important indicator of a country's future. The University got the 12(B) and 2F status from the University Grants Commission and has been accredited by NAAC with B+ grade in 2007.
Result Declaration Date :
September 16, 2013
Exam Category :
UG Revaluation Examination April/May 2013.
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Periyar University
Periyar Palkalai Nagar
Salem - 636 011
Tamilnadu, India
For Periyar University UG Revaluation April/May 2013 Results :
Tripura University has published B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) One Year Regular Examination Results 2013. Tripura University B.Ed. 1st Year Regular exam Results announced on 16th September, 2013. The examination held in the year of 2013. To get more information about the result, visit the University's official website :
Tripura University is the Main Public Central University of the Indian state of Tripura. Higher education in Tripura had a late start. Maharaja Bir Bikram (MBB) College, the first degree college in the State, started functioning under the University of Calcutta only in 1947.
Result Declaration Date :
September 16, 2013
Exam Categoryination :
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) One Year Regular Examination 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Tripura University
Suryamaninagar, Tripura (W)
PIN: 799 022, India
For Tripura University B.Ed (One Year Regular Course) Exam 2013 Result :
Calcutta University (CU), West Bengal, has published BA (Bachelor of Arts) and BSc (Bachelor of Science) Part-II (Honours and Major) Provisional pre-publication Marks statement Examination Results 2013. University of Calcutta BA and BSc Part 2 (Honours, General, Major) Provisional pre-publication Marks statement Examination Results announced on 13th September, 2013 at 3:00 PM. Results are made available in the University's official website :
Calcutta University (CU) B.A/B.Sc. Part-II (Honours & Major) Examination 2013 for Provisional pre-publication Marks statement Examination Results available on the following website :
The University of Calcutta (also known as Calcutta University) is a public university located in the city of Kolkata (previously Calcutta), India, founded on 24 January 1857. It was the first multidisciplinary modern university in South Asia, as the oldest institution to have university status, Senate of Serampore College (University), Serampore was granted freedom to grant degrees in theology only. Calcutta University occupies the top rank in terms of the highest number students who cleared the PhD entrance eligibility exam in Science conducted by Central Govt (CSIR-UGC NET) to became eligible to pursue PhD studies with full Govt. Scholarship.
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
University of Calcutta
Senate House
87 /1 College Street
Kolkata-700 073
For Calcutta University BA / BSc (Part 2) Hons / Major Provisional Pre Publication Marks Statement Result 2013 :
Bangalore University, Karnataka has published BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 2nd Semester Examination Results 2013. Bangalore University BCA 2nd Semester Exam Results announced on 12th September, 2013. The Examination held on the month of July 2013. To get more information about the results, Students can visit the University’s official website :
Bangalore University is a public university located in Bangalore, Karnataka State, India. The university is one of the oldest in India, dating back to 1886. The university is a part of The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and nears the status of "Potential for Excellence" which is reserved for the top 10 universities in India under the Guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Result Declaration Date :
September 12, 2013
Exam Category :
BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 2nd Semester Examination July 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
Bangalore University
Jnana Bharathi Campus
Jnana Bharathi Post
Karnataka, Bangalore - 560 056
For Bangalore University BCA II Semester July 2013 Results :
Calcutta University (CU), West Bengal, has published BA (Bachelor of Arts) LLB (Bachelor of Laws) 5th Year (Part-4) Examination Results 2013. University of Calcutta BA LLB Part-IV (5th Year Course) Examination Results announced on 4th September, 2013. The examination held ind the month of May 2013. Results are made available in the University's official website :
All candidates, who appeared for Calcutta University BA LLB 5th Year (Part 4) Examination May 2013, can check their respective results by visiting the aforementioned website.
Calcutta University (CU) BA LLB 5th Year (Part 4) Examination May 2013 Results available on
The University of Calcutta (also known as Calcutta University) is a public university located in the city of Kolkata (previously Calcutta), India, founded on 24 January 1857. It was the first multidisciplinary modern university in South Asia, as the oldest institution to have university status, Senate of Serampore College (University), Serampore was granted freedom to grant degrees in theology only. Calcutta University occupies the top rank in terms of the highest number students who cleared the PhD entrance eligibility exam in Science conducted by Central Govt (CSIR-UGC NET) to became eligible to pursue PhD studies with full Govt. Scholarship.
Result Declaration Date :
September 4, 2013
Exam Category :
BA (Bachelor of Arts) LLB (Bachelor of Laws) 5th Year (Part-4) Examination May 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
University of Calcutta
Senate House
87 /1 College Street
Kolkata-700 073
For University of Calcutta BA LLB (Part 4) (5 Year Course) Exam May 2013 Result :
Sidho Kanho Birsha University, Purulia has published B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) Examination Result 2013. Sidho Kanho Birsha University BEd Exam Results announced on 4th September, 2013. The examination held in the year of 2013. To get more details about the result, visit the University's official website :

Sidho Kanho Birsha University is a state university established in 2010 and situated over two campuses in Purulia and Bankura, West Bengal, India. Tapati Mukherjee has been appointed as the first Vice-Chancellor of the University. The focus of the University would be to promote and protect indigenous culture and language; and specially Santhali language. The University approved by UGC and Fully funded by Govt. of West Bengal.
Result Declaration Date :
September 04, 2013
Exam Category :
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) Examination 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
Contact Details :
Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University
Purulia Zilla Parisad
Old Administrative Building, Jubilee Compound
Post Office & District : Purulia
West Bengal - 723 101
Phone: 03252 224 438
For Sidho Kanho Birsha University (SKBU) B.Ed. Result 2013 :
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has published Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Exam Results 2013. CBSE CTET Results 2013 announced on 2nd September, 2013 at 4:00 PM. Central Board of Secondary Education CTET Examination held in July 2013. To know more about the results, candidates can visit the CBSE's official website:
Candidates who appeared for the CBSE CTET Exam July 2013 can check their respective results by logging in to the aforementioned website. To view the roll number wise result one can also visit the direct link given below link.
CBSE is a self-financing body which meets the recurring and non-recurring expenditure without any grant-in-aid either from the Central Govt. or from any other source.
To get CBSE Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) July 2013 Result :
North Bengal University (NBU) has published B.A (Bachelor of Arts) / B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) / B.Com (Bachelor of Commarce) Part - 1 and Part 2 Honours and General Examination Result 2013. North Bengal University BA / BSc / BCom Part-I and Part-II General and Honours Exam Result 2013 announced on 2nd September, 2013. The examination held in the year of 2013. Results are made available on the University's official website :
North Bengal University B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com Part-I and Part-II General and Honours Examination Results also available in The interested students may register their Roll No in the above mention website.
University of North Bengal (Uttarbanga Biswavidyalaya) is a state university near Siliguri in Darjeeling district in the Indian state of West Bengal. The University has been Re-acreditted with an ‘B++’ grade by National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC). North Bengal University has 23 departments organised into two faculties: Science and Arts, Commerce and Law Faculty.
Result Declaration Date :
September 2, 2013
Exam Category :
B.A (Bachelor of Arts) / B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) / B.Com (Bachelor of Commarce) Part-I and Part-II General and Honours Examination 2013
Browse the Following Website to get the Results :
In Case of Any Query Contact Address is Given Below :
University of North Bengal
Raja Rammohunpur, Siliguri 734013
Darjeeling, West Bengal, India
For North Bengal University BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. (Part 1/2) Hons/Gen Result 2013 :