Anna University Affiliated Colleges Reopening date

Anna University engineering colleges closed due to Srilanka issue strike on 19/03/2013. Still now there is no official news about reopening date of anna university affiliated colleges. Even though tamilnadu government not announced the reopen date few colleges reopened on Monday. Anna University has official meeting today morning and no decision was taken and Today evening another meeting is going to be held. We expecting good news because Anna University exams are nearing and portion has to be completed soon. Since only 3 working days we have this week. Friday is Good Friday and Friday is holiday. Mostly colleges will be reopened tomorrow or in April 2013 (Next week). 

Same News in Tamil with more details :

Anna University affiliated colleges reopening date after Strike

Anna University reopening date after strike
Will Tomorrow anna university reopen
Today college is there or not. Working day or holiday for engineering colleges in tamilnadu
Tomorrow Tuesday 26/03/2013 Wednesday 27/03/2013 Thursday 28/03/2013 Saturday 30/03/2013
Anna University engineering college reopen date April 2013
When anna university reopen date after strike